18 The Halting of the Fleet

Adam Colfax had been making slow progress up the Ohio, far slower than he had hoped, and his brave soul was worn by hardships and troubled by apprehensions. A great hurricane had caused him serious alarm for his smaller boats. They had been saved from sinking with the greatest difficulty, and the precious stores had to be kept well and guarded well.

He was grieved and troubled, too, over the disappearance of the five, the valiant five who had continually been doing him such great service from the very moment of the start at New Orleans. He liked them all, and he mourned them for their own sakes as well. He also realized quickly that he had lost more than the five themselves. His fleet seemed to have come into a very nest of dangers. Men who went ashore to hunt never returned. At narrow points in the river they were fired upon from the dense forest on the bank, and if they sent a strong force ashore, they found nothing. If they camped at night, bullets drew blood or scattered the coals at their feet.

Invisible but none the less terrible foes hung upon them continually, and weakened their spirits. The men in the fleet were willing and eager to fight a foe whom they could see, but to be stung to death by invisible hornets was the worst of fates.

Adam Colfax missed the “eyes of the fleet” more and more every day. If Henry Ware and Shif’less Sol and their comrades had been there, they could have discovered these unseen foes, and they could have told him what to do. At night he often saw signal fires, blazing on either side of the Ohio and, although he did not know what they meant, he felt sure that they were lighted by his enemies, who were talking to one another.

Two or three of his men who had been originally woodsmen of the great valley told him that the allied tribes had come to destroy him. They had seen certain signs in the forest that could not be mistaken. The woods were full of warriors. They had heard, too, that further on was a fort on the river bank which the Indians had probably taken by this time, and which they would certainly use against the fleet. Adam Colfax wished once more for the five, who were more familiar than anybody else with the country, and who were such magnificent scouts. Never had he felt their absence more.

He came at last to the narrowest place in the river that he had yet seen, enclosed on either bank by jutting hills. As the fleet approached this watery pass a tremendous fire was opened upon it from either shore. The bullets not only came from the level of the water, but from the tops of the hills, and the sides of the boat offered no protection against the latter. The men of the fleet returned the fire, but their lead was sent into the forest and the undergrowth, and they did not know whether it hit anything except inoffensive wood and earth.

Adam Colfax drew back. He felt that he might have forced the pass, but the loss in men and stores would be too great. It was not his chief object to fight battles even if every battle should prove a victory.

When he withdrew, the forest relapsed into silence, but when he attempted the passage again the next day he was attacked by a similar, though greater, fire. He was now in a terrible quandary. He did not wish another such desperate battle as that which he had been forced to fight on the Lower Mississippi. He might win it, but there would be a great expenditure of men and ammunition, and at this vast distance from New Orleans neither could be replaced.

He drew back to a wider part of the river and decided to wait a day or two, that is, to take counsel of delay.

Adam Colfax was proud of his fleet and the great amount of precious stores that it carried. The reinforcements after the Battle of the Bayou had raised it to more than its original strength and value. All the men had recovered from their wounds, and everybody was in splendid health. He had made up his mind that fleet and cargo should be delivered intact at Pittsburgh, otherwise he could never consider his voyage wholly a success.

The night after he fell back from the watery pass he held a council of his captains and guides on his own flat boat, which had been named the Independence. He had with him Adolphe Drouillard, a brave and devoted French Creole from New Orleans; James Tilden, a Virginian; Henry Eckford, a south Carolinian; Charles Turner, a New Yorker, and William Truesdale, and Eben Barber, New Englanders, and besides these, Nat Thrale and Ned Lyon, the best of the scouts and guides since the disappearance of the five, were present.

The fleet was anchored in the middle of the river, out of rifle shot for the present, but Adam Colfax knew very well that the enemy was in the dense wood lining either bank. He had sent skirmishers ashore in the afternoon, and they did not go many yards from the stream before they were compelled to exchange shots with the foe. Thrale and Lyon, who were on the southern bank, reported that the Indians were still thick in the forest.

“They see us here on the river,” said Thrale, “an’ ef we don’t keep well in the middle uv it they kin reach us with thar bullets. But we won’t be able to see the least speck or sign uv them.”

Adam Colfax had sighed when he heard these words, and now, as his little council gathered, it seemed that all predictions of evil were about to be fulfilled. A smoky red sun had set behind the hills, and the night, true to the promise of the sun, had come on dark and cloudy. It was not exactly the cloudiness of rain; it was rather that of heat and oppressiveness, and it had in it a certain boding quality that weighed heavily upon the spirits of Adam Colfax.

The boats were anchored in a double row in the exact center of the stream, swaying just a little with the gentle current. All those carrying sails had taken them down. Adam Colfax’s boat was outside the two lines, slightly nearer to the southern shore, but still beyond rifle shot.

While the leader sat in the stern of his boat waiting for the two scouts who were last to come, he surveyed the fleet with the anxious eyes of one who carries a great responsibility. In the darkness the boats were not much more than dark lines on the darker river. Now and then they were lighted up by flares of heat lightning, but the eyes of Adam Colfax turned away from them to the banks, those high banks thick with forest and undergrowth, which contained so many dangers, real dangers, not those of the imaginary kind, as he had ample proof. Now and then a shot, apparently as a taunt, was fired from either shore, and two or three times he heard the long, whining yell which is the most ominous of human cries. This, too, he knew, was a taunt, but in every case, cunning, ferocity and power lay behind the taunt, which was another truth that he knew.

They were all soon gathered on the deck of the little Independence, and the faces of the two scouts who came last were very grave.

“What do you think of it, Lyon?” said Adam Colfax.

Lyon gave his head one brief shake.

“We’re right in the middle of the biggest hornet’s nest the country ever saw,” he replied. “Looks ez ef we couldn’t git past without another terrible fight.”

“And you, Drouillard?” Adam Colfax asked of the Creole.

“Eet ees hard to go on,” replied Drouillard in his broken English, “but we cannot go back at all. So eet ees true that we must go on. Eet ees is the only thing we can do.”

“But how?” said Adam Colfax. “We cannot use up all the ammunition that we have in these battles. If we were to reach Pittsburgh in that condition we’d be a burden instead of a help.”

“But as Mr. Drouillard says, we can’t go back,” said Truesdale.

They sat dumbly a minute or two, no one knowing what to propose, and all looking toward the southern bank, where they believed the chief danger to lie. The dark green forest made a high black line there in the night, a solid black until it was broken by a pink dot, which they knew to be the flash of a rifle.

“They are jeering at us again,” said Adam Colfax.

“’Tain’t no jeer, either,” said Thrale, as five or six pink dots appeared where the one had been, and faint sounds came to their ears.

Lyon confirmed the opinion of his brother scout.

“So many wouldn’t let off their guns at once jest fur fun,” he said. “I wonder what in tarnation it means!”

The spray of pink dots did not reappear, and they turned their minds once more to their great problem, which seemed as insoluble as ever. The flowing of the current, gentle but deep and strong, swung the Independence a little further from the two lines of boats, but those on board, in their absorption, did not notice it. Three or four minutes passed, and there was the report of a rifle shot from the southern bank, followed an instant later by another. Two bullets splashed in the water near the Independence.

“We’d better pull back a leetle,” said Drouillard. “We are drifting within range of ze warriors.”

“So we are,” said Lyon, laying his hand on a sweep. “Now, what under the moon is that?”

He pointed to a dark object, a mere black dot on the dusky surface of the river. But it was not a stationary dot, and in its movement it came toward the Independence.

“Shorely they don’t mean to come swimmin’ to attack us,” said the other guide, Thrale. “That’s a human head on top uv the water an’ thar’s a body belongin’ to it under the water. An’ see, thar’s another head behind it, an’ behind that another, an’ likely thar’s more.”

“Eet ees certainlee the warriors trying to reach us on the water,” said Adolphe Drouillard, and, raising his rifle, he took aim at the first swimming head.

“Hold a little,” said Adam Colfax, pushing down the barrel of the weapon. “Look, as they come closer now, you can see a fourth and a fifth head and then no more. Five swimming heads on the water must mean something, I hope; yet I’m afraid I hope too much.”

The foremost of the swimming figures raised a hand out of the water, and held it high in token of amity. Instantly the four behind did the same thing.

“Most amazing,” said Adolphe Drouillard. “Ees eet possible that they are friends?”

“I think it not only possible, but probable,” said Adam Colfax with a rising tone of joy in his voice. “They are near now, and that first head looks familiar to me. I devoutly hope that I’m not mistaken.”

The leader’s head, propelled by the powerful strokes of the arms below, came within a yard or two of the Independence, and some stray rays of the moon, falling upon it, brought it from dusk into light. It was the face of a young river god, strong features cut cleanly, a massive projecting chin, and long yellow hair from which the water flowed in streams.

The head was raised from the water, the hands grasped the edge of the boat, and the figure sprang lightly on board, standing perfectly erect for a moment, while the water ran from his fringed hunting shirt, his moccasins, the knife and tomahawk at his belt, and flowed away over the boards.

“Henry Ware alive!” exclaimed Adam Colfax, springing forward and seizing the hand which dripped water from the tip of every finger.

“An’ don’t furgit me,” said Shif’less Sol, as he leaped aboard and stood beside Henry, a tiny cataract pouring from every seam of his clothing.

“Nor me,” said Tom Ross briefly, taking his place with his comrades.

“An’ I’m here, too,” said Jim Hart, uprearing his thin six feet four.

“So am I,” said Paul, as he drew himself over the rail of the Independence.

“All of you alive and well!” exclaimed Adam Colfax, departing for once from his New Hampshire calm. “All returned from the dead together! I feel as if an army had come to our relief!”

“We ain’t been dead,” said Shif’less Sol. “An’ we ain’t been havin’ sech a hard time, either. It’s true three o’ us hev been troubled by Injun bullets, but Jim Hart thar spent his time inventin’ a new way o’ cookin’ rabbits, which will keep him happy for the next five years.”

“And he could not spend his spare time in a better way,” said Adolphe Drouillard. “Ze man who invents a new wholesome dish ees a blessing to hees country.”

“Shake, friend,” said Long Jim, holding out a huge hand still dripping with portions of the Ohio, and Adolphe Drouillard, without hesitation, shook.

“Them two shots that hit in the water close to us wuz fired at you, wuzn’t they?” asked Thrale.

“Yes, they were aimed at us,” replied Henry, “and so was the little volley on the bank, which you must have heard. As you probably know, there’s a fort and settlement not many miles on called Fort Prescott. We’ve warned it, and the garrison has also beaten off all attacks. But all the allied tribes of the north are here, and they expect to catch you, the fort, and everything else, in their net. They are led by all their great chiefs, but Timmendiquas, the White Lightning of the Wyandots, is the soul of the attack. We have seen his vigilance in our effort to reach the river. We were discovered, fired upon by a party, although their bullets missed us in the dark, and then we had to swim for it.”

“You must have dry clothing at once,” said Adam Colfax.

“We won’t mind changin’,” said Shif’less Sol, “an’ we’d like to dry our rifles an’ have ’em reloaded ez soon ez you kin.”

“We’ll have that done for you,” said Adam Colfax, looking at them with admiration.

They resigned their weapons to his men, although they had succeeded in keeping their powder dry in tightly closed horns. Adam Colfax then led the way to his cabin, where dry clothing was brought them, and food and drink were given. Then Henry told to the little, but deeply interested, company the tale of their wanderings and adventures.

“It certainly seems as if Providence were watching over you,” said the devout New Englander.

“We have sometimes thought so ourselves,” said Paul with the utmost sincerity.

“This Timmendiquas, as you describe him, is a most formidable chief,” said Adam Colfax, pondering, “and the renegade, Girty, too, is a very dangerous man. As I see that we shall have to fight them, I would spare this fleet further loss if I could.”

“We will have to fight,” said Drouillard, “eef not to-night, then to-morrow, and eef not to-morrow, then next week.”

“I think he tells a fact, sir,” said Henry to Adam Colfax. “But we can rely upon the fort making a powerful defense. Major Braithwaite is a brave and active man, and we must not forget, sir, that Daniel Boone and Simon Kenton are somewhere near in the woods. If they have gathered their forces, we can gather ours, too.”

“That is so,” said Adam Colfax, as the council and the five returned to the deck of the Independence. The council might have been depressed, but the five were not. Warm food and warm clothing restored them physically, and here they were with the fleet once more, meanwhile having done many things well.

“Ain’t it fine fur a lazy man like me to be back on a boat,” said Shif’less Sol in a low voice to Paul. “Nuthin’ to do but set still an’ talk, nuthin’ to do but eat an’ drink what’s brought to you, nuthin’ to do but sleep when you’re sleepy, no Injuns shootin’ at you, no havin’ to run on your legs ’till you drop. Everything done fur you. It’s a life fur me, but I don’t git much o’ it.”

Paul laughed at Shif’less Sol’s tone of deep satisfaction.

“Yes, it’s good, Sol,” he rejoined, “but it won’t last. We won’t have more than a day of it.”

The face of the shiftless one took on a look of deep disgust. “Nuthin’ good never lasts more’n a day,” he said, “an’ ef it does last more’n a day you gen’ally git tired o’ it.”

Adam Colfax resumed his watch of the shores. Like Major Braithwaite, he had a pair of powerful glasses, and he sought with their aid to detach something from the black wall of the southern shore.

“I can make out nothing,” he said in disappointing tones, after a long look, “except a bright spot which must be a fire a little distance back in the woods. You have keen eyes, Henry, my boy, see what you can see.”

Henry also saw the “bright spot,” and he was quite sure that it was a fire. Then he took a look at the heavens, now a solid expanse of cloud behind which the stars twinkled unseen. A slight wind was blowing up the river, and its touch was damp on his face. When the lightning flared, as it still did now and then, he saw that it was not mere heat lightning but the token of something graver.

“I have a suggestion to make to you, sir,” he said to Adam Colfax. “Unless I am mistaken, a storm is coming. Is it not so, Tom, and you, Sol?”

“It is,” they replied together. “All the signs are sayin’ so out loud.”

“In an hour it will be here,” resumed Henry. “The wind is blowing up river, and I don’t think it will change. That favors us. In the darkness and tumult of the storm we ought to force the pass. It is our best chance, sir.”

He spoke very earnestly, and the rest of the five nodded their assent. Adam Colfax was impressed, but he wished to have the endorsement of his lieutenants.

“What do you say, gentlemen?” he asked, turning to them.

“We make zee passage, and we make eet queek tonight, as zee boy says,” replied the brave and impulsive Drouillard.

Adam Colfax turned to the Virginian and the Northerners. All nodded in affirmation. Then he turned to the two scouts, Thrale and Lyon.

“It’s now or never,” they said, looking up at the dark skies.

“Then it shall be done,” said Adam Colfax firmly. “We can’t afford to delay here any longer, nor can we permit this fort to fall. Our need to hold Kentucky is scarcely less great than our need to help our hard-pressed brethren in the east.”

Then he turned to the five, in whose valor, skill and fidelity he had the utmost confidence.

“Do you wish to remain on the Independence,” he said, “or would you prefer another place in the fleet?”

Shif’less Sol, the talkative and resourceful, looked at Henry. Tom Ross, the man of few words but resourceful, also looked at Henry. The gaze of Long Jim was turned in the same direction, and that of Paul followed. It was an unconscious revelation of the fact that all always looked upon Henry Ware as their leader, despite his youth.

“If you don’t mind, sir,” said Henry Ware to Adam Colfax, “give us a boat to ourselves, a small one that we can row, and we will advance somewhere near the head of the fleet.”

“The boat will be ready for you in five minutes,” said Adam Colfax. “Whatever you ask we will always give to you, if we can. Meanwhile, I will get the fleet ready, for I see that the time cometh fast.”

He spoke in almost Biblical words. In fact, there was much in Adam Colfax that made for his resemblance to the heroes of the Old Testament, his rigid piety, his absolute integrity, his willingness to fight in what he thought a just cause, his stern joy when the battle was joined, and his belief—perhaps not avowed—in the doctrine of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

He quickly summoned a small boat, and the five, refreshed and armed, dropped into it. Then he sent the word throughout the fleet, the Independence moved up near the head of the column, and they prepared to force the watery pass.