11 Back To the World
Captain Stuart Whyte of His Majesty’s gallant sloop of war, the Hawk, was standing on his own quarterdeck, looking curiously at the scene about him, and, taking it in, as well as he could, by the light of a great bonfire blazing on the beach some distance away. He was a young officer and his immense relief predominated over his curiosity. The Hawk was a fine sloop, and he loved her, but there had been a terrible time that night when he thought she was lost and her crew and himself with her.
He had seen more than one storm in these sudden seas, but this was perhaps the worst. All bearings were gone, and then the signs showed breakers. He was a brave man and he had brave officers, but every one of them had despaired, until suddenly a light, a pillar of fire, rose in the darkness and the storm, almost from the heart of the ocean, as if it had been evoked by his own signal guns. Then, by this marvelous beacon, they had scraped between the rocks and into safety. Clearly it was a miracle, and young Captain Whyte felt a deep and devout gratitude. He had then sent one of his best officers ashore to see the man who had saved them, and, meanwhile, he had stood by, watching through his glasses.
He saw the man of the island get into the boat with Lanham and approach the sloop. The storm had now sunk much, and it was not difficult to come aboard, but Captain Whyte, still intensely curious, but with a proper sense of his own dignity, withdrew to his cabin where he might receive the lord of the isle in state.
He rose politely, and then stared at the tall youth who came in with Lieutenant Lanham, the water running from his clothes. Yet the stranger had a dignity fully equal to his own, and there was also something very uncommon about him, a look of strength and confidence extraordinary in one so young.
“Won’t you sit down?” said Captain Whyte.
Robert glanced at his clothes.
“I bring the storm with me,” he said—he often spoke in the language that he had unconsciously imbibed in much reading of the Elizabethans.
“Never mind that. Water won’t hurt my cabin, and if it did you’re welcome just the same. I suppose you represent the people of the island, to whom my crew and I owe so much.”
“I am the people of the island.”
“You mean that you’re here alone?”
“Exactly that. But tell me, before we go any further, Captain, what month this is.”
“And the year?”
“I wanted to be sure. I see that I’ve been on the island eight or nine months, but I lost all count of time, and, now and then it seemed like eight or nine years. As I’ve already told Lieutenant Lanham, I’m Robert Lennox, of Albany, the Province of New York, and the wilderness. I was kidnapped at Albany and carried down the Hudson and out to sea by a slaver and pirate.”
“’Tis an extraordinary tale, Mr. Lennox.”
“But a true one, Captain Whyte.”
“I meant no insinuation that it wasn’t. Extraordinary things happen in the world, and have been happening in these seas, ever since Columbus first came into them.”
“Still mine is such an unusual story that it needs proof, and I give it. Did you not last autumn pretend that yours was a merchant ship, have a sailor play the violin on deck while others danced about, and lure under your guns a pirate with the black flag at her masthead?”
Captain Whyte stared in astonishment.
“How do you know that?” he exclaimed.
“Did you not shatter the pirate ship with your broadsides but lose her afterwards in a great storm that came up suddenly?”
“Aye, so I did, and I’ve been looking for her many a time since then.”
“You’ll never find her, Captain. Your guns were aimed well enough, and they took the life out of her. She couldn’t weather the storm. Of all the people who were aboard her then I’m the only survivor. Her captain escaped with me to this island, but he died of wounds and I buried him. I can show you his grave.”
“How do I know that you, too, are not one of the pirates?”
“By taking me back on your ship to the colonies, and proving my tale. If you don’t find that every word I tell you is true you can hang me to your own yardarm.”
Captain Whyte laughed. It was a fair and frank offer, but he was a reader of men, and he felt quite sure that the strange youth was telling the absolute truth.
“He’s given me, sir, quite correct accounts of events that happened in the colonies last year,” said Lanham. “He was at Ticonderoga and his narrative of the battle agrees fully with the accounts that we received.”
And just at that moment coincidence stretched out her long arm again, as she does so often.
“I had a cousin at Ticonderoga,” said Captain Whyte. “A splendid young fellow, name of Grosvenor. I’ve seen a letter from him in which he says ’twas a terrible fight, but that we threw away our chances before we went upon the field.”
“Grosvenor! Grosvenor!” exclaimed Robert eagerly. “Why, I knew him! He was a friend of mine! We were in the forest together, in combat and escape. His first name was Alfred. Did he say nothing in his letter of Robert Lennox?”
“Of course he did! I was so much interested in you that I paid little attention to your name, and it glided past me as if I’d not heard it. He told of a friend of his, name of yours, who had been lost, murdered they all believed by some spy.”
“And did he say nothing also of Tayoga, a wonderful Onondaga Indian, and of David Willet, a great hunter?”
“Aye, so he did. I recall those names too. Said the Indian was the most marvelous trailer the world had ever known, could trace the flight of a bird through the air, and a lot more that must have been pure romance.”
“It’s all true! every word of it. I’ll see that you meet Tayoga, and then you’ll believe, and you must know Willet, too, one of the grandest men that ever lived, soul of honor, true as steel, all those things.”
“I believe you! Every word you say! But I can’t keep you talking here with the water dripping from you. We really couldn’t question your truth, either, after you’d saved our ship and all our lives. I see you have a naval uniform of ours. Well, we’ll give you a dry one in its place. See that the best the Hawk has is his, Lanham.”
Robert was taken to a small cabin that was vacant and he exchanged into dry clothing. He went back a little later to the captain’s room with Lanham, where they insisted upon his taking refreshment, and then Captain Whyte sent him to bed.
“I’ve a million questions to ask you, Mr. Lennox,” he said, “but I won’t ask ’em until to-morrow. You must sleep.”
Robert’s manner had been calm, but he found when he lay down that he was surcharged with excitement. It was inside him and wanted to get it out, but he kept it bottled up, and after an hour spent in quieting his nerves he fell asleep. When he awoke, dressed and went on deck, all trace of the storm had gone. The Hawk swung quietly at anchor and to him she seemed the very finest ship that had ever sailed on any sea from the day of the galley to the day of the three-decker. He noticed with pleasure how trim everything was, how clean was the wood, how polished the brass, and how the flag of Britain snapped in the breeze overhead. He noticed too the eighteen pounders and he knew these were what had done the business for the slaver and pirate. Lanham gave him a hearty welcome.
“It’s half way to noon,” he said, “and you slept long and well, as you had a right to do, after saving His Majesty’s twenty-two gun sloop, Hawk, from the rocks. We had a boat’s crew ashore this morning, not because we doubted your word, but to see that everything was trim and snug on your island, and they found your house. On my word, quite a little castle, and well furnished. We didn’t disturb a thing. It’s yours, you know.”
“I merely inherited it,” said Robert. “The slaver and pirate who kidnapped me built it as a place for a refuge or a holiday, and he came back here to die. He furnished it partly, and the rest came from his wrecked ship.”
After breakfast Robert went ashore also with the captain and Lanham, and he showed them about the island. They even saw the old bull at the head of his herd, and Robert waved him a friendly farewell. The house and its contents they decided to leave exactly as they were.
“They may shelter some other castaway,” said Robert.
“We’ll even leave the guns and ammunition,” said Captain Whyte. “We don’t need ’em. You rescued ’em from the ship and they belong to you. The Hawk has no claim on ’em.”
“I’d like for ’em to stay here,” said Robert. “Nobody may ever be cast away on this island again, and on the other hand it might happen next week. You can’t tell. But it’s been a good island to me, and, though I say farewell, I won’t forget it.”
“You take the right view of it,” said Captain Whyte, “and even if I didn’t feel your way about it, although I do, I’d be bound to give you your wish since you saved us. You’ve also taken quite a burden off my mind. It’s always been a source of grief to me that the pirate eluded us in the storm, but since you’ve shown me that we were really responsible for her sinking I feel a lot better about it.”
On the Hawk Lanham told him what had been passing in the world.
“There’s a great expedition out from England under that young general, Wolfe, who distinguished himself at Louisbourg,” he said. “It aims at the taking of Québec, and we’re very hopeful. The rendezvous is Louisbourg, on Cape Breton Island and army and navy, I suppose, are already there. Your own Royal Americans will be in it, and what we lost at Ticonderoga we propose to regain—and more—before Québec. The Hawk is bound for Louisbourg to join the fleet, but she puts in at Boston first. If you choose to go on to Louisbourg with us you won’t fare ill, because the captain has taken a great fancy for you.”
“I thank you much,” said Robert, gratefully. “I’m almost tempted to join the great expedition from Louisbourg into the St. Lawrence, but I feel that I must leave the ship at Boston. I’m bound to hunt up Willet and Tayoga, and we’ll come by land. We’ll meet you before the heights of Québec.”
Everything seemed to favor the northward voyage of the Hawk. Good winds drove her on, and Robert’s heart leaped within him at the thought that he would soon be back in his own country. Yet he made little outward show of it. The gravity of mind and manner that he had acquired on the island remained with him. Habits that he had formed there were still very powerful. It was difficult for him to grow used to the presence of other people, and at times he longed to go out on his peak of observation, where he might sit alone for hours, with only the rustling of the wind among the leaves in his ears. The sound of the human voice was often strange and harsh, and now and then only his will kept him from starting when he heard it, as one jumps at the snarl of a wild animal in the bush.
But the friendship between him, Captain Whyte, Lieutenant Lanham and the other young officers grew. People instinctively liked Robert Lennox. Whether in his gay mood or his grave he had a charm of manner that few could resist, and his story was so strange, so picturesque that it invested him with compelling romance. He told all about his kidnapping and his life upon the island, but he said nothing of Adrian Van Zoon. He let it be thought that the motive of the slaver in seizing him was merely to get a likely lad for sale on a West India plantation. But his anger against Van Zoon grew. He was not one to cherish wrath, but on this point it was concentrated, and he intended to have a settlement. It was not meant that he should be lost, it was not meant that Adrian Van Zoon should triumph. He had been seized and carried away twice, and each time, when escape seemed impossible, a hand mightier than that of man had intervened in his favor.
He spoke a little of his thought once or twice when he stood on the deck of the Hawk on moonlight nights with Captain Whyte and Lieutenant Lanham.
“You can’t live with the Indians as much as I have,” he said, “especially with such a high type of Indian as the Iroquois, without acquiring some of their beliefs which, after all, are about the same as our own Christian religion. The difference is only in name. They fill the air with spirits, good and evil, and have ’em contending for the mastery. Now, I felt when I was on the island and even before that I was protected by the good spirits of the Iroquois, and that they were always fighting for me with the bad.”
“I take it,” said Captain Whyte, “that the Indian beliefs, as you tell them, are more like the mythology of the old Greeks and Romans. I’m a little rusty on my classics, but they had spirits around everywhere, good and bad, always struggling with one another, and their gods themselves were mixtures of good and evil, just like human beings. But I’m not prepared to say, Mr. Lennox, that you weren’t watched over. It seems strange that of all the human beings on the slaver you should have been the only one saved and you the only one not stained with crime. It’s a fact I don’t undertake to account for. And you never found out the name of the pirate captain?”
“Neither his nor that of his ship. It had been effaced carefully from the schooner and all her boats.”
“I suppose it will remain one of the mysteries of the sea. But tell me more about my cousin, Grosvenor. He was really becoming a trailer, a forest runner?”
“He was making wonderful progress. I never saw anybody more keen or eager.”
“A fine lad, one of our best. I’m glad that you two met. I’d like to meet too that Frenchman, St. Luc, of whom you’ve spoken so often. We Englishmen and Frenchmen have been fighting one another for a thousand years, and it seems odd, doesn’t it, Mr. Lennox, that it should be so? Why, the two countries can see each other across the Channel on clear days, and neighbors ought to be the best of friends, instead of the most deadly enemies. It seems that the farther a nation is from another the better they get along together. What is there in propinquity, Mr. Lennox, to cause hostility?”
“I don’t know, but I suppose it’s rivalry, the idea that if your neighbor grows he grows at your expense. Your hostility carries over to us in America also. We’re your children and we imitate our parents. The French in Canada hate the English in the Provinces and the English in the Provinces hate the French in Canada, when there’s so much of the country of each that they’re lost in it.”
“It’s a queer world, Mr. Lennox. In spite of what you say and which I endorse, I’m going with an eager heart in the great expedition against Québec, and so will you. I’ll be filled with joy if it succeeds and so will you.”
Robert admitted the fact.
“And I’d be delighted if we could meet a French sloop of about our own size and armament,” continued the captain. “Every man on board the Hawk would go into battle with her eagerly, and yet I don’t hate the French individually. They’re a brave and gallant nation, and this St. Luc, of whom you speak, seems to be the very flower of chivalry.”
The captain’s wish to meet a French sloop of war of his own size was not granted. He had high hopes the fourth day when they saw a sail, but it proved to be a schooner out of Newport returning from Jamaica with a cargo of sugar and molasses. The Hawk showed her heels in disgust, and pursued her way northward.
As the time to reach Boston drew near, Robert’s heart filled again. He would be back in his own land, and his world would be before him once more. He had already decided that he would go at once to Albany and there pick up the thread of his old life. He was consumed, too, by curiosity. What had happened since he was gone? His feeling that he had been in the island eight or nine years instead of eight or nine months remained. While it was his own world to which he was returning, it was also a new world.
Came the day when the harbor lights of the port of Boston showed through a haze and Robert, standing on the deck of the Hawk, watched the city rise out of the sea. He was dressed in a good suit of civilian clothing that he had found on the island, and he had some money that had never been taken from him when he was kidnapped, enough to pay his way from Boston to Albany. His kindly English friends wanted to lend him more, but he declined it.
“You can pay us back in Québec,” said White.
“I don’t need it,” replied Robert, “but I’ll keep the rendezvous there with you both.”
As the Hawk was to stay two or three days in port in order to take on supplies, they went ashore together, and the three were full of curiosity when they entered, for the first time, the town of which they had heard so much. Boston had already made such impress upon the imagination that all the English colonists were generally known to the French in Canada as Bostonnais. In England it had a great name, and there were often apprehensions about it. It was the heart and soul of the expedition when the New Englanders surprised the world by taking the great French fortress of Louisbourg, and it had an individuality and a personality which it has never lost.
“I don’t know how I’m going to like it,” said Captain Whyte, as they left the sloop. “I hear that they’re very superior here, and consider us English a rather backward lot. Don’t you think you’d better reconsider, Lennox, and go on with us to Louisbourg?”
Robert laughed.
“I’m not afraid of the Bostonians,” he said. “I met some very competent ones on the shores of Lake George. There was one Elihu Strong, a colonel of Massachusetts infantry, whom I like to remember. In truth, Captain, what I see here arouses my admiration. You noticed the amount of shipping in the port. The Bostonians are very keen traders, and they say there are sharp differences in character between them and the people of our southern provinces, but as I come from a middle province, New York, I am, in a sense, neutral. The New Englanders have a great stake in the present war. Their country has been ravaged for more than a century by French and Indians from Canada, and this province of Massachusetts is sending to it nearly every man, and nearly every dollar it has.”
“We know of their valor and tenacity in England,” said Captain Whyte, “but we know also that they’re men of their own minds.”
“Why shouldn’t they be? That’s why they’re English.”
“Since you put it that way, you’re right. But here we are.”
The town, about the size of New York, looked like a great city to Robert. He had come from a land that contained only one inhabitant, himself, and it was hard for him now to realize there were so many people in the world. The contrast put crowds everywhere, and, at times, it was very confusing, though it was always interesting. The men were mostly tall, thin, and with keen but composed eyes. They were of purer British blood than those in New York, but it seemed to Robert that they had departed something from type. They were more strenuous than the English of Old England, and the New Yorkers, in character if not in blood and appearance, were more nearly English than the Bostonians. He also thought, and he was not judging now so much from a glimpse of Boston as from the New England men whom he had met, that they were critical both of themselves and others, and that they were a people who meant to have their way at any cost.
But his attempts to estimate character and type were soon lost in his huge delight at being back in his own country. Robert’s mind was a mirror. It always reflected his surroundings. Quickly adaptable, he usually perceived the best of everything, and now busy and prosperous Boston in its thin, crisp air, delighted him immeasurably. His feelings were much as they had been when he visited New York. Here was a great city, that is, great for his country and time, and it was destined to be much greater.
As usual with sailors Captain Whyte and Lieutenant Lanham wished to go to a coffee house, and Robert, nothing loath, accompanied them to one of good quality to which they were directed near the water front. Here they found numerous guests in the great common room and much talk going forward, mostly talk of the war, as was natural. There was much criticism of the British Government, not restrained at all, rather increased, by the uniforms of the two naval officers.
“’Tis reported that the new expedition gathered at Louisbourg will go the way of the one that was repulsed at Ticonderoga,” said a thin, elderly man. “I hear ’tis commanded by young Wolfe, who is sickly and much given to complaint. Abercrombie, who led us at Ticonderoga, was fat, old and slothful, and now Wolfe, who leads the new force is young, sickly and fretful. It seems that England can’t choose a middle course. Why doesn’t she send us a man?”
“That I can’t tell you, Master Carver,” said the man whom he was addressing, “but I do know that if England would consult Massachusetts more we’d fare better in this war. We should have marched over the French army at Ticonderoga. I can’t understand to this day how we lost that battle.”
“It seems that in very truth we lacked something there.”
Robert was sitting not ten feet from them and their tone being so very critical, he could not restrain a word or two.
“Your pardon, if I interrupt,” he said, “but hearing you speak in a somewhat slighting manner of Ticonderoga I’m bound to advise you that you’re wrong, since I was there. The English and Scotch troops, with our own Americans, showed the very greatest valor on that sad occasion. ’Twas no fault of theirs. Our defeat was due to the lack of artillery, the very skillful arrangements of the French commander, the Marquis de Montcalm, and the extreme courage of the French army.”
The two, who seemed to be merchants or shipping men, regarded him with interest but with no appearance of resentment because of his interference in their conversation. Apparently the criticism that they permitted so freely to themselves they were willing also to allow to others.
“But you are English,” said the first who had spoken, “and ’tis most natural for you to defend the generals who are sent out from the home country.”
“I am not English. I am a native of the Province of New York, and being a colonial like yourselves, I think we allow too little credit to the old country in the war. I speak as one who through the force of circumstances has been an eye witness to many of the facts. My name is Robert Lennox, sir, and my companions are Captain Stuart Whyte and Lieutenant John Lanham of His Majesty’s twenty-two gun sloop of war Hawk, now in Boston harbor.”
“And I, sir,” responded the thin man with much courtesy, “am Samuel Carver, wholesale dealer in cloth and leather, and my friend is Lemuel Mason, owner of shipping plying principally to the West Indies. We’re pleased to meet His Majesty’s officers and also you, Mr. Lennox, who we can see is very young to have had so much experience in the wars. We trust that all of you will pardon our freedom of criticism, but we’re at the heart of affairs here, and we see very clearly. It’s not a freedom that we’ll give up.”
Captain Whyte laughed easily.
“If what we hear in England of Boston is true,” he said, “’tis a privilege that nothing can make you give up. Perhaps ’tis as well. I’m all for free speech myself. Through it affairs are well threshed out. But I assure you you’re wrong about General Wolfe. ’Tis true that he’s young and that he’s sickly, but he’s been chosen by Mr. Pitt for most solid reasons. He has a great gift for arms. I’ve been fortunate enough to meet him once or twice, and I can assure you that he makes a most favorable impression. Moreover, the fact that he’s been chosen by Mr. Pitt is proof of his worth. Mr. Pitt is a very great man and he has that highest of all talents, the ability to know other men and to direct them.”
Captain Whyte spoke with much warmth and his words carried conviction.
“I can well believe you, sir, when you speak so highly of Mr. Pitt,” said Mr. Carver. “’Tis evident that he has the honor and glory of England at heart and ’tis evident, too, that he does not mean to neglect the interests of the colonies, a matter of the utmost importance. ’Tis only Mr. Pitt among the home statesmen who have recognized our greatness on this side of the ocean.”
“Believe me, sir, I’m not blind to the growth and prosperity of the colonies,” said Captain Whyte. “I’ve seen your cities and I know how much the Americans have done in the present war.”
“Then ’tis a pity that England also doesn’t know it,” said Mr. Mason somewhat sharply.
But Captain Whyte refused to be either angry or disconcerted.
“The width of our ocean always promotes ignorance, and misunderstandings,” he said. “And ’tis true too that the closest of kin will quarrel, but families usually unite against an alien foe.”
“’Tis so,” admitted Mr. Mason, “and ’tis the business of statesmanship to smooth down the quarrels that arise between the different parts of a great kingdom. I trust that ours will always be equal to the task.”
“Do you know a merchant of this city, Elihu Strong, who is also a colonel of the Massachusetts infantry?” asked Robert. “I met him in a strenuous business before Ticonderoga, where he also had a gallant part.”
“We could scarce be Bostonians and not know Elihu Strong,” said Mr. Carver. “One of the most active of our merchants, he has ships of his own that ply between here and England, and he has also taken a very zealous part in the war. The regiment that he commanded was equipped partly at his expense.”
“Commanded?” exclaimed Robert.
“I used the past tense, not because he has fallen, my young friend, but Elihu was unfortunate enough to receive a severe wound in the leg some months after Ticonderoga, and he is now recuperating at his own home here near the Common. ’Tis not dangerous. He will not lose the leg, but he will not be able to walk on it for some months yet. A great pity, say I, that Elihu Strong is out of active service for a while, as His Majesty’s government might profit greatly by his advice and leadership in the field.”
“I’ve no doubt of it,” said Captain Whyte with the greatest sincerity. “I’m all for coöperation with the experienced men of the colonies, and so is a far greater than I, the illustrious Mr. Pitt. They’re on the ground, they’ve lived their lives here and they ought to know.”
“Our hope is in Mr. Pitt,” said Mr. Carver. “You speak well of him, Captain Whyte, and ’tis pleasing to our ears to hear you, because you cannot know how his name inspires confidence in the colonies. Why, sir, we look upon him as almost the half of England!”
It was so. And it was destined to remain so. Whatever happened between England and America, the name of the elder Pitt, the great Englishman, kept and keeps its place in the hearts of Americans, who in some respects are the most sentimental and idealistic of all peoples.
Robert saw that the two young English officers and the two middle aged Boston merchants were arriving at an understanding, that good relations were established already, and he thought it wise to leave them together.
“I think,” he said, “that I will visit Colonel Strong at his house, and as my time in Boston must be short ’twill be best for me to go now.”
Both Mr. Carver and Mr. Mason urged him to spend the night at their houses, and Captain Whyte and Lieutenant Lanham were zealous for his return with them to the Hawk, but he declined the offer, though saying he would certainly visit the sloop before he left Boston. He judged that it would be wise to leave the four together, in the coffee-house, and, after receiving careful instructions how to reach the mansion of that most respectable and worthy Bostonian, Colonel Elihu Strong, he went into the street.
He found the Strong home to be a goodly house, one of the best in the city, partly of brick and partly of wood, with columns in front, all very spacious and pleasing. He knocked with a heavy brass knocker and a trim colored maid responded.
“Is Colonel Strong at home?” he asked.
“He is, sir,” she responded in English as good as his own, “though confined to his chair with a wound in the leg which makes his temper a trifle short at times.”
“Naturally. So would mine be if I couldn’t walk. I wish to see him.”
“What name, sir, shall I say?”
“Tell him ’tis one who served with him in wilderness fighting, on the eve of Ticonderoga.”
She looked at him doubtfully, but her face cleared in a moment. Robert’s frank, open gaze invited everybody’s confidence.
“Come into the hall, sir,” she said, and then led the way from the hall into a large room opening upon a lawn, well-shaded by many fine, large trees. Elihu Strong sat in a chair before one of the windows, and his wounded leg, swathed heavily, reposed in another chair.
Robert paused, and his heart beat rather hard. This was the first friend of his old life that he had seen. Now, he was coming in reality back to his world. He stood a few moments, irresolute, and then advancing lightly he said:
“Good morning, Colonel Strong!”
The wounded man wheeled in his chair and looked at him, inquiry in his face. Robert did not know what changes his life on the island had made in his appearance, his expression rather, but he saw that Colonel Strong did not know him, and it pleased him to play for a minute or so with the fact.
“You did not receive this bullet, sir, when you saved us from St. Luc,” he said. “It must have been much later, but I know it was a bad moment for the Province of Massachusetts when the hostile lead struck you.”
Colonel Strong stared.
“Who are you?” he exclaimed.
“There was a battle on the shores of Lake George, at a point where our men had been building boats. They were besieged by a mixed force of French and Indians, commanded by the great French partisan leader, St. Luc. They beat off the attacks, but they would have been overcome in time, if you had not hurried to their relief, with a strong force and two brass cannon.”
“That is true and if the Governor and Legislature of Massachusetts had done their full duty we’d have had twice as many men and four, six, or even eight cannon in place of two. But what do you know about those things?”
“There were two boys, one Indian and one white, who came on the lake, telling you of the plight of the boat builders. The Indian was Tayoga of the Clan of the Bear, of the Nation Onondaga, of the Great League of the Hodenosaunee, the finest trailer in the world. The white boy was Robert Lennox, of the Province of New York.”
“Aye, you speak truly. Full well do I remember them. How could I forget them? Tayoga is back there now with the hunter Willet, doing some great service in the war, what I know not, but it is something surely great. The white boy, Robert Lennox, is dead. A great loss, too! A fine and gallant lad.”
“How do you know he is dead?”
“I had it in a letter from Master Benjamin Hardy of New York, with whom I often transact affairs of business, and he, in turn, had it from one Jacobus Huysman, a burgher of Albany in most excellent standing. Parts of the matter are obscure, but the result is certain. It seems that the lad was stalked by a spy, one Garay, and was murdered by him. His body, they think, was thrown into the Hudson and was carried away. At least it was never found. A most tragic business. I could have loved that lad as if he had been my own son. It caused great grief to both Hardy and Huysman,—and to me, too.”
A lump came into Robert’s throat. He did have friends, many and powerful, and they mourned him. He seemed to have the faculty of inspiring liking wherever he went. He had been standing in the shadow, while the wounded man sat where the sunlight from the windows poured upon him. He moved a little nearer where he could be more clearly seen, and said:
“But what if I tell you that Robert Lennox is not dead, that he survived a most nefarious plot against him, that he was, in truth, kidnapped and carried far away to sea, but was rescued in a most remarkable manner and has come back to his own land.”
“’Tis impossible! ’Tis a wild tale, though God knows I wish it were true, because he was a fine and gallant lad.”
“’Tis a wild tale, sir, that I confess, but ’tis not impossible, for it has happened. I am that Robert Lennox who came with Tayoga, the Onondaga, in the canoe, through the fog on Lake George, to you, asking that you hurry to the relief of the boat builders! You will remember, sir, the fight at the ford, when they sought to ambush us, and how we routed them with the cannon. You’ll recall how St. Luc drew off when we reached the boat builders. I’ve been away a long time, where every month counted as a year, and perhaps I’ve changed greatly, but I’m that same Robert Lennox to whom you said more than once that if the Governor and Legislature of the Province of Massachusetts had done their full duty your force would have been three or four times as strong.”
“What? What? No stranger could know as much as you know! Come farther into the light, boy! The voice is nearly the same as I remember it, but the face has changed. You’re older, graver, and there’s a new look! But the eyes are like his! On my soul I believe it’s Robert Lennox! Aye, I know ’tis Robert! Come, lad, and shake hands with me! I would go to you but this wretched wound holds me in my chair! Aye, boy, yours is the grasp of a strong and honest hand, and when I look into your eyes I know ’tis you, Robert, your very self. Sit you down and tell me how you have risen from the grave, and why you’ve come to comfort an old man with this most sudden and welcome news!”
The moisture rose in Robert’s eyes. Truly he had friends, and not least among them was this thin, shrewd Bostonian. He drew a chair close to the colonel and spun the wonderful tale of his kidnapping, the sea fight, the wreck, the island and his rescue by the Hawk. Colonel Strong listened intently and seldom interrupted, but when Robert had finished he said:
“’Tis clear, lad, that your belief in the good spirits was well placed. We lose nothing by borrowing a little from the Iroquois beliefs. Their good spirits are our angels. ’Tis all the same in the essence, only the names are different. ’Tis clear, too, that they were watching over you. And now this house is your home so long as you stay in Boston. We’re full of the great war, as you’ll soon learn. Mr. Pitt has sent over a new commander and a mighty attempt will be made on Québec, though if the King and Parliament of Britain did their full duty, the expedition would be three times as large, and, if the Legislature and Governor of Massachusetts also did their full duty, they would give three times as much help.”
“I’ll stay gladly with you to-night, sir, but I must go in the morning. I wish to reach Albany as soon as possible and show that I’m not dead. You’re the first, sir, of all my friends, to learn it. I must tell my comrades of the Hawk good-bye too. They’ve been very good to me, and their ship is in your harbor.”
“But you spend the night here. That’s promised, and I can give you news of some of your friends, those gallant lads who were with us in the great adventure by the lake. The young Englishman, Grosvenor, the Philadelphians, Colden, Wilton and Carson, and the Virginians, Stuart and Cabell, have all been to see me. Grosvenor joins a regiment with Wolfe, the Grenadiers, I think, and the Philadelphians and Virginians are transferred to the Royal Americans, for the term of the war, at least.”
“I hope to see them all, sir, under the walls of Québec. Captain Whyte of the Hawk offered to take me in his ship to the rendezvous at Louisbourg, but I felt that I must go first to Albany and then join Willet and Tayoga. We’ll go by land and meet the army and fleet coming down the St. Lawrence.”
“A proper plan, and a proper ambition, my lad. I would that I could be with you, but this wound may hold me here. As for going to Albany, I may assist you in that matter. A company of Boston merchants are sending a despatch, that is, a stage, to Albany to-morrow. I am one of that company and I can provide a place for you.”
“My very great thanks are yours, sir.”
“Say no more about it. ’Tis just what I ought to do. ’Tis a long journey, but ’tis a fine time of the year, and you’ll have a pleasant trip. Would that I had your youth and your unwounded leg and I’d be with you under the walls of Québec, whether we take the city or not.”
His eyes sparkled and his thin cheeks flushed with his intense fire. Robert knew that there was no more valiant soldier than the shrewd Boston merchant, and he appreciated his intense earnestness.
“Perhaps, sir,” he said, “your recovery will be in full time for the campaign.”
“I fear not, I’m sure not, Mr. Lennox, and yet I wish with all my soul to be there. I foresee victory, because I think victory is due. ’Tis not in nature for the French in Canada, who are few and who receive but little help from their own country, to hold back forever the whole might of Britain and her colonies. They have achieved the impossible already in stemming the flood so long, and because it’s about time for the weight, in spite of everything, to break over the dam, I think that victory is at hand. And then, Britain will be supreme on the North American continent from the Spanish domains northward to the Pole.”
“And that means a tremendous future, sir, for England and her colonies!”
The face of Elihu Strong clouded.
“I do not know,” he cried. “I hope so, and yet, at times, I fear not. You think only of united hearts in England and America and a long future under one flag. I repeat that I wish it could be so and yet the old always regard the new with patronage, and the new always look upon the old with resentment. There are already differences between the English and Americans, questions of army rank, disputes about credit in the field, different points of view, created by the width of an ocean.”
“But if we are victorious and overrun Canada, they will be settled.”
“There lies the greatest danger, my lad. ’Tis the common peril that holds us together for the time. When this shadow in the north which has overhung us so long, is removed, the differences will grow the greater, and each side will assert itself. ’Tis in our common blood. The English are a free people and freedom brings diversities, differing opinions and a strenuous expression of them. I see already great issues between the colonies and the mother country, and I pray that temperate men may have the handling of them. The wrong will not be all on one side, nor the right either. But enough of an old man’s forebodings! Why should I poison your happy return from an adventure, in which your chance of escape was not one in ten?”
Robert talked with him a while longer, and then he suggested that he go to the Hawk and tell his friends there good-bye, as they had probably returned to the ship by this time.
“But be sure you’re back here by nightfall,” said Colonel Strong. “You favor me, lad, by coming. It refreshes me to see you and to talk with one who had a share with me in an eventful campaign. And have you money enough for this trip to Albany? I take it that you were not accumulating much treasure while you were on the island, and a loan may be timely.”
Robert thanked him, but said he had enough for his needs. He promised also to be back by nightfall, and, having said farewell to the officers of the sloop, he returned to Colonel Strong’s mansion at the appointed time.